We believe that every child should have the chance to code. There are many things that children will love about coding; creating their own game, app, making their own animated stories and the many other endless possibilities by harnessing today’s rapidly evolving technologies.


Ages 7 – 9

Designed for children (Ages 7-9) who are either completely new to programming or have some basic knowledge, build up your child’s foundation from Scratch with our multi award-winning courses which inspire your young coder to pick up a lifelong skill that is important for the future. 

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Ages 10 – 12

Nurture your future leader in technology with our award-winning coding curriculum for children (Aged 10-12). Our progessive learning roadmap takes your child through an array of courses ranging from Scratch, to App Inventor and Python, suitable for complete novices or burgeoning experts in the making.

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Ages 13 – 16

Our proprietary Python programme is specially designed based on the GCE “O” and “A” level Mathematics curriculum. This powerful synergistic pairing of Math and Programming has been tested in selected MOE schools to provide students a solid foundation in both.

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Preschool (Ages 4 – 6)

Start your child on their journey in logical thinking with our preschool programme, suitable for ages 4-6. Based around popular Stories or Themes, this multi-disciplinary programme emphasizes kinaesthetic learning, with kids using live-sized blocks and programming each other to follow instructions in teams to complete tasks.

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Scratch for Kids (7 – 12)

A graphics based program designed specifically with the objective of teaching young children programming, this is the ideal starting point for children to learn coding. Used by Harvard for their Introduction to Computer Science course, this programme remains the best choice for people of all ages to pick up the fundamentals of Coding. At Coding Lab, our curriculum is designed for 7-12 year olds, with 2 distinct programmes for Lower Primary and Upper Primary students.

Ages 7- 9 Ages 9 - 12

App Inventor for Kids (10 – 12)

With a similar visual drag-and-drop interface as Scratch, App Inventor allows students to apply their computational thinking skills and creativity to create fully functional mobile Apps that run on mobile phones. With our MIT inspired curriculum, Coding Lab aspires to drive a paradigm shift in our students’ mindset on mobile Apps – the mobile phone is not merely a gaming device but a device used to demonstrate their creativity and apply their knowledge from school.

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Python for Kids (10 – 12)

Students will take their first step into real-world programming. With a strong foundation in computational thinking from our earlier graphics-based coding courses, students will now pick up Python, a popular text-based programming language. With a MIT inspired curriculum, our students will see practical application of the Mathematics which they learn in school. They stretch their understanding and application of Math, developing a better appreciation and interest.

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Ages 7 – 9

Our student, Jake was recently featured in A Little Somebody, by Lianhe Zaobao 联合早报. Congratulations to Jake and his cute family!

You can watch more interviews and show cases in our testimonial page.

Why learn coding?

“Coding is the new literacy. To thrive in tomorrow’s society, young people must learn to design, create and express themselves with digital technologies.”, Mitchel Resnick, Professor of Learning Research at the MIT Media Lab and director of the Lab’s Lifelong Kindergarten research group



MIT Inspired Curriculum

Our curriculum is led and designed by our global team of technology advisors. We keep our lessons exciting and relevant, with cutting-edge themes and discoveries covered as part of the lessons.

High-Quality Teaching

Our tutors are handpicked by us not only for their tech expertise, but also for their passion in working with children. Our cosy class sizes with a small teacher-child ratio (Max 1:8) encourage close interaction between the students and the instructor and allow for individualized attention to maximise each child’s learning experience.

Tech-Immersive Environment

Imagine boardroom-style professionalism in a rustic and start-up “Garage” environment; we enhance the quality of learning by providing a geek-jam hangout where kids can tinker with the latest tech toys to further their learning independently.